HHEEEEYYY folks! Just coming to give the latest updates in the world of the tot!! So much is going on right now with the holidays and moving to a brand new place, yes that's right I'm moving outta NRH20 finally and its before my lease is up that's how bad it is ugh. No but I've been blessed to finally leave BofA and move to a much better job at another bank and I'm loving it!! With all the talk of layoffs BofA was talking bout it was time to go before I was next!! But yea I'm moving and I'm buy all new things and it's exciting to start fresh and I feel like these are the apt. of my apt. dreams they are so lovely and I rented the very last one until they start building the other phases, I was determined to get in at this place because once i saw them I had to live there no other place had shit on them and its like 5 minutes from my job. So with all this moving and what not I gotta say AGAIN living on my own is the best thing EVER I'm so glad I gotta a 6 month lease at this shoebox I'm living in now and not having to deal with another females trashy nasty ways is the bomb.com and now that its been like 6 months pretty much not living with someone I look back and realize how much I dislike living with someone and this is just my preference especially when they are completely opposite of your personality like me and her were polar opposites. But hey things happen for a reason and I gotta things have been great! SO I'm really excited about this new place its brand spankin new we're the 1st ppl to live in the place and it's a resort style complex I'm mean when u drive up on this place you'll be like whoa, and this place is like 2 times bigger than where I live now (my place is a sad 518sq ft) and this place is like 8 something. So to wrap things up I'm excited and I only have a fortnight left in the shoebox and then i'm out. And on another note the holidays are coming up and I can't wait damn this year went by fast!!!! xoxoxoxo